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Why Create a Podcast for your Marketing Strategy?

Written by Globalia | Feb 5, 2018 8:00:00 AM

The podcast phenomenon has grown tremendously in recent years. Previously unknown, this means of communication is now an integral part of the daily life of many North Americans. According to Larousse, a podcast is "a radio or television program that an Internet user can download and transfer to a digital music player. Are you wondering how this type of content could benefit your organization? We will try to answer this question in the following article. Without further ado, let's get started!

What Form Can it Take?

Whether solo, multi-hosts, or interview, there are tons of options when it comes to shaping your podcast. Among these, the interview is an interesting avenue insofar as you invite experts in your industry to discuss issues that fascinate them. This allows you to discuss their vision of things. In a multi-host format, you could spotlight your company's employees by positioning them as experts week after week. Either way, your concept should be solid. To create a podcast, find an original and evocative title that is representative of your project.

The podcast, an asset for your web strategy!

1.It Helps Familiarize your Business

The podcast helps give your organization a more familiar voice. Indeed, beyond the brand, we want to feel that people are behind the ideals and values of your company. Creating a podcast allows you to have a weekly meeting with your target audience. Therefore, you share your vision with them on a subject related to your area of expertise. Just having a warm voice and personality will earn you points, guaranteed! However, also keep in mind that quality should take precedence over quantity. Better a weekly or even monthly podcast of higher quality than daily content that is irrelevant to your audience!

2.It Positions you as an Expert in your Industry

Think about how many of your competitors own a podcast. The answer is probably simple: almost zero! If you work in a field such as group insurance, having quality content to share on several subjects is a great asset. In this sense, each week, you could address an insurance issue. You could bring up the subject of happiness at work during one of your recordings. You will certainly gain credibility with your target audience. It will also allow prospects to familiarize themselves with the fields of expertise of your organization!

3.It help Increase Traffic to your Website

Even though the content of your podcast is not directly ranked by search engines, it is sometimes possible to optimize your pages on which they are published. In organic SEO, the frequency of publication is an important issue. It will therefore be beneficial to publish podcasts on a regular basis. This way, other websites will share your links as a source of content, which will improve your position on search engines. It is also important to keep SEO best practices in mind, especially when creating URLs and page titles dedicated to each of your episodes. Adding a description will allow you to position yourself as a reliable source of information.

In addition, you may find it beneficial to register your podcast in an online directory. This will make it easier to find you quickly. Either way, there are several podcast hosting platforms that are available to you. It's up to you to see which one best suits your specific needs when you go to create a podcast!

4.It helps Create a Good Relationship with Your Audience

Creating a podcast can be an excellent means of communication since it allows you to engage your audience in a privileged way. In fact, audiences become loyal, as the listener feels the expert genuinely cares about them by sharing exclusive stories and advice. Your loyal listeners will thereby become your brand ambassadors. In addition, the people who will follow your podcast each week are genuinely interested and qualified in your services offered. By helping them and passing on your knowledge, your relationship will grow!

5.It Helps to Bond with People in your Industry

Creating an interview style podcast allows you to bond with people in your industry. The fact of inviting references in your field to give their point of view on a subject allows you to have a great proximity with these experts. In addition, by interacting with them, you increase your perceived credibility in their eyes. These contacts will certainly help you in business! In its own way, the podcast allows for networking.

6.It Sets you Apart from the Competition

Sometimes it can be more difficult to offer sources of content that are both varied and relevant. Still, variety is the key to keeping your audience interested and engaged. Adding the podcast to your content strategy will allow you to renew yourself with your audience. This tool fits perfectly into a multichannel strategy. Afterwards, your subscribers will be able to choose the type of content they prefer (social media, blog, podcast) according to their individual tastes. Although the podcast is a phenomenon widely adopted in the United States, Quebec is lagging behind. You will therefore position yourself as an innovative player with your competitors and your target customers.

Promote your Podcast for Even More Impact

These days, it is not enough to post something online hoping it will magically go viral. Create a Facebook page and a Twitter account for your followers and fans to follow you diligently. They will be able to share with you their questions, comments and suggestions related to your podcast. To create a successful podcast, there is no magic formula. You must first offer relevant content, record after record, to your target.

Then, put the odds on your side by promoting your episodes on your own platforms and focusing on good SEO practices. In terms of the best practice, you could create visuals of passages taken directly from your recordings. This type of content is easily shareable on social networks and attracts attention!

Source : Buffer

Ultimately, within your business, the podcast will allow you to connect directly with your audience. After all, what could be better than speaking face to face with your audience? Now it's up to you to seize this opportunity!