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Introduction to HubSpot: Which Hubspot Marketing Package to Choose?

Written by Globalia | Mar 8, 2019 8:00:00 AM

With more than 55,000 users in over 100 countries, Hubspot is on the podium of the most used marketing platforms in the world. Indeed, this tool greatly streamlines the marketing actions implemented, as well as their follow-ups. But which Hubspot package to choose according to your budget and needs? Follow the guide!

Why Invest in Hubspot Marketing?

Being able to observe the performance of the actions carried out has to be possible to be able to improve the performance of your marketing actions over time. This data indicates concretely the impact that past actions have had. Once the analysis of these results has been completed, it is possible to make more informed decisions on the next marketing actions to be implemented and therefore to maximize their impact.

It's no surprise, then, that Hubspot is a premier tool for marketers around the world to continually improve their performance. If you are interested in Hubspot - and the fact that you are reading this article is a good indication - you are already well on your way to success. However, you might not be sure which Hubspot Marketing plan to choose.

This is a question that should not be taken lightly: on the one hand, a plan that is too basic can limit growth opportunities, on the other, a plan that is too advanced - but underexploited - can give the impression of not investing your marketing budget in the right place.

It should be noted that upgrading to a higher plan is very easy in Hubspot. Moreover, from the ‘’free’’ level to the “Company” level, Hubspot is full of features. So much so, that it is easily possible to get lost in a version that is too advanced for your own marketing knowledge.

My advice is therefore to always start with the minimum required level, then build up your skills and knowledge, before moving to the next level.

With this clarification in mind, follow our guide!

Overview of the Different Hubspot Solutions

The Marketing solution is not the only one offered by Hubspot and it is useful to give a quick overview of these solutions, in order to identify any additional needs you may have for your business.

Hubspot CRM: This 100% free customer relationship management software helps organize, track and develop all relationships with prospects and customers. No more wasting time on unnecessary research. No more missed opportunities due to a lack of customer information. You can focus on what matters most: your customers.

Hubspot Marketing: Looking to increase traffic to your website and convert more visitors through performing landing pages and relevant automations? Do you want dashboards that allow you to monitor the impact of your past actions? Hubspot Marketing is the solution for you.

Hubspot Sales: Do you need productivity tools to gain more insight into your prospects, automate repetitive tasks, and close more deals? This is the tool for you.

Hubspot Service: The marketing and sales parts of your business are performing, but your customer service is not - yet - adjusted for this influx of requests? The tools of the Hubspot Service solution are designed to exceed the expectations of your customers with every contact and then make them promoters of your brand.

Source : Hubspot

You now know which additional Hubspot solution(s) you might need. Let's dive into the heart of the matter and see together which Hubspot Marketing package is right for you.

Which Hubspot Marketing Package to Choose?

To do this, let's take a look at the main features of each plan to determine which is best for you.

A. Free Plan :

This package offers the basic functionality to capture, track and convert potential leads that come through your site. Capture, live chat and chat bots are effective and easy-to-use tools for increasing your contact file. In addition, they give a positive assumption in your favor among the prospects who use them. 

The forms, to be added to the pages of the site or in the form of a pop-up, essential for collecting usable contact information for future marketing actions, are also included in this free version. Just like a standard dashboard to see the results of your first actions.

Because of its features, this package allows you to learn more about the people who visit your site. These are useful insights to create, develop or validate your personas. If you are a self-employed entrepreneur and new to inbound marketing, this package will allow you to make your mark with its standard integrated dashboard. This is a perfect starting point from which you can build up.

How much? Free.

B. Starter Package:

In addition to free features, there is the possibility of creating custom properties in the forms, in order to retrieve exactly the information required. This package also offers an email marketing tool, to simply create newsletters or targeted emails to your contacts. You also have access to insights on the pages visited by each contact, which can be very useful in a site optimization process.

For who? For entrepreneurs who want to refine their first marketing efforts before making the jump to the Pro version.

How much? US $50 per month with 1,000 contacts included.

C. Professional Package:

The main advantage of this package is the email automation.

For example, after a contact visited a specific page with outreach content, I wanted to send a series of emails aimed at moving that contact forward through my funnel.

My first email directs him to content to consider. Since he didn't click on the call to action on my last upload, I sent him a follow-up for the same content. My contact eventually visits the required content. I then direct them towards content to consider that will encourage the contact to make a choice in favor of the solution I am promoting. When they confirm their interest, I then pass it on to sales.

Imagine the volume of work hours required to complete this level of follow-up with 10, 50, 200 contacts! Marketing automation makes it possible to configure - just once - this monitoring and have it triggered automatically, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, at the right time and for the right contact: this saves so much time, is efficient and gives results!

The other game changer of this package is lead scoring. This automatic tallying of visitor actions on the site makes it possible to identify promising leads and pass them, at the appropriate time, to the sales department, thereby increasing their chances of closing. We can then automatically move on to sales thanks to a scoring system, which allocates a score to each of its actions and triggers the move to sales when the required predetermined total score is reached.

In terms of capture, this package is much more complete, with the possibility of creating landing pages and driving visitors from the site to these landings thanks to powerful (and tracked) calls to action. It is also possible to easily create a professional looking blog. Content creation level, the Pro version offers personalized recommendations for professional quality content.

The social media tool allows you to schedule in advance and from one place, all social publications on your various networks. This is perfect for optimizing your time.

The ability to create specific content that displays according to the site visitor (Smart Content), integrated A / B testing tools for emails and calls to action, as well as the ability to create and host content videos allowing marketing to go even further.

For who? This is the most popular package because it offers the best return on investment thanks to its automation and lead scoring features. It is ideal for marketers who have mastered the principles of inbound and those who have too many contacts to be able to handle them effectively and manually. It is ideal for those who wish to take it to the next level.

How much? $800 US per month with 1000 contacts included.

D. Enterprise Package:

With this package, the lead scoring goes up a notch: Hubspot identifies the characteristics of the contacts who have converted the most into customers and notes the new contacts accordingly. The possibilities for performance reporting are much more extensive and integration with other third-party applications is possible. This package also offers the ability to centralize marketing efforts for two different domain names in a single Hubspot account.

For who? Because of its price, it is suitable for medium-sized B2B-oriented companies with an advanced level in Inbound marketing and which must report their performance to several different partners. This package is also recommended for multi-domain sites.

How much? US $3,200 per month with 10,000 contacts included.

Finally, it's important to remember that Hubspot is a tool, so it doesn't do the work for you. However, used with a solid inbound strategy, the results will be there.

I hope this post has helped you identify the Hubspot Marketing package that meets your needs. If there is still a price blockage, note that Hubspot offers several discounts on the prices indicated depending on the subscription mode (monthly / annually) or the type of business (startup). Implementation grants may also be applicable for certain areas of activity. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information !