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globalia + camping québec

Support Camping Quebec's growth through a modernization of the CMS

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Camping Quebec is a private, non-profit association that supports all campground operators in Quebec. Their mission: "To promote and foster the growth and development of the camping industry as well as the practice of this activity in Quebec.

In addition to serving campground owners (B2B), the association is the reference for Quebec campers for all types of information on this leisure activity, regardless of their level of experience (B2C). As the largest association of its kind in Quebec, it has more than 800 members from the private and public sectors, and covers more than 90% of the province's supply.

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Camping Icon
Globalia had the wonderful opportunity to work with the Camping Quebec team for 12 months to modernize their system, while refining their web brand. 
Technology modernization
Technology modernization
Synchronization of data with different APIs
Synchronization of data with different APIs
Complete visual redesign of the digital brand
Complete visual redesign of the digital brand
Improvement of the operator registration process
Improvement of the operator registration process
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Creation of a web brand identity in their image

Several brainstorming sessions with the Camping Quebec team allowed our Design team to build a new web brand image, based on their existing logo. This new look better reflects the mission of Camping Quebec, which is human, warm, dynamic, modern and focused on the outdoors. This new digital brand image has been thought to be sustainable and evolving. 

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Deploying a thoughtful synchronization strategy

Our experts created a thoughtful architecture to ensure cohesion between the FileMaker and WordPress fields. This was a complex synchronization challenge, as there are over 800 Campings records with multiple functionalities.

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Développement d’un formulaire facilitant les inscriptions
Development of a form to facilitate the registrations

Our ergonomist, with more than 20 years of experience, focused on the user experience during the renewal and annual membership of campground operators. He proposed an adaptive form in several steps, all transactional with the Bambora payment platform. This improvement aims to save a lot of time, both for the administrative team of Camping Quebec, and for the operators. These two parties also benefit from a much more pleasant experience.

Transfert du CMS SiteCore vers le CMS Wordpress
Transfer from SiteCore CMS to Wordpress CMS

A team, consisting of 5 back-end experts, was commissioned on this CMS changeover project from Sitecore to WordPress. They started replicating the API connections, the communication with the mobile application and the calendar providers. They then imported the old content to the new platform preserving the order, images and pages, in both languages.

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The technologies used
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The next steps
The collaboration between Camping Quebec and Globalia is far from over. This project of more than a year has allowed the teams to build a long-term relationship of trust. There are several other projects already underway or to come, such as the new image of the site. 
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Improved organization of information

Due to the efforts of our experts in user ergonomics, the information on the website is now better structured. The consultation of the new Camping Québec website is simpler and more intuitive. 

Moreover, this better thought structure of contents can only increase the time spent on the website and increase the referencing.

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Unanimous support of the new brand image

This CMS transfer was an excellent opportunity to rethink the web branding. The one developed by our Design team was unanimously adopted by the Camping Quebec team. If a client appreciates his brand image, he will certainly be more inclined to use it well and make it evolve over time.

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A 32% increase in digital registrations and a user experience that has been acclaimed.

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A 47% ratio of payments made directly on the website platform.

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A 50% reduction in the internal management time of the online store and immense flexibility in product management for its administrators.

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Globalia was available and responsive throughout this technology platform transition project. I sincerely thank the entire team for having worked hard to accomplish this challenge and to reach our objectives by delivering a website that is beautiful, functional and that is already appreciated by many. This is just the beginning of our collaboration!

Jean Lessard
Marketing and Operations Director
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